€5,000 for Pakistan led by popular restaurant

POPPADOM Restaurant on Robert Street undertook the organisation of a charity dinner on Wednesday August 25 for the Asian community in Limerick. Its purpose was to galvanise interested parties and individuals to raise money for Pakistan Flood Relief Fund. Over €5,000 was raised on the night through a €50 a plate dinner and voluntary donations of up to €400 by concerned individuals.

The finance is being channelled through National Assembly member Imran Kahn in Pakistan, who is on the standing committees for Kashmir and Public Accounts.

“The biggest floods in history destroyed everything in some towns of Pakistan and over 20 million people have become homeless,” says Choudhry Manzoor, manager at Poppadom. “Crops are destroyed, drinking water is not available. There are many organisations working hard, but it is still not enough.  It is not easy to reach everyone”.

“For the month of September if you dine out in the restaurant we will donate 20 per cent of the cost of your meal to a Pakistan Flood Relief Fund,” says Mr Manzoor. “If you would like to just donate towards this cause feel free to call in and talk to any staff”. 

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Open seven days, book on 061-446644, 4.30pm to 11.30pm. Try the early bird three course, €17.50 to €19.95, served Sunday to Thursday  until late Friday and Saturday until 7.30pm.

20 per cent of your spend in Poppadom, Robert Street during September will be donated to flood relief works in Pakistan, says manager Choudry Manzoor.

