Expected to reopen on August 16
WORKERS on the remodelling of Sarsfield Street came across some “surprises”, with the result that it will not reopen before August 16.
Mr Pat Eyres, senior engineer with City Council, confirmed there is a particular problem with an arch attached to the building formerly occupied by Benetton and originally the first National Bank.
“The other arches underneath Sarsfield Street are perpendicular to the buildings but for some reason the arch attached to the old bank building, which is much larger than most of the other shops in the street, and which dates back to around the early 1800s, is perpendicular with it and we have to remedy this.
“Unfortunately, in underground work of this nature there are always surprises. Also the arches in Sarsfield Street are more severely undermined due to being so close to the river”.
Initially scheduled for completion on July 17, that was always dependent on no problems being discovered when the builders went underneath the road.
Mr Eyres said there is absolutely no question of the construction workers going on holidays in August.
“No, it’s a condition of the contract that the project will be completed without interruption and while we know that the traders in the street are naturally not too happy with having to put up with the disruption off a torn up and sealed off road, the sooner it gets finished the better.
“When completed, there will be a new look street that will be very attractive for the traders, shoppers and everyone passing through it”.