Guide price of €90K for Markievicz Drive

KINCORA in Southill is the full address for No. 9 on Markievicz Drive. It’s on the market through John Shaw Auctioneers for a modest €90,000, which is excellent value for an end of terrace extended two-bed.

The hall opens into a fitted kitchen cum dining area that was enlarged by the addition of a block-built extension with slate roof.

Two windows and a glass panelled back door ensure there is plenty of natural light running through the ground floor. Wood floors make the most of dimensions and there’s a wood burner for the living room (central heating is gas fired).


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Upstairs, two double bedrooms and a tiled bathroom with electric shower complete the picture. PVC double glazed windows are fitted throughout, and this property is walled and gated.

Talk to Ivan Shaw at Lower Mallow Street for more details on 061-311133.
