Arts news in brief

Stars light up together

FAME the Musical stars (in the making) are gathering under the spotlight again to play a benefit concert at UCH on Thursday July 22. This 8pm curtain bow by Caoimhe Garvey, Sean Carey, Philomena Fitzpatrick and Stuart Pollock will also star some West End performers. Keep your eyes and ears open for Brian McCann, Judy O’Connor, John Walsh-Brannoch, You’re a Star Winner Leanne Moore, Nigel Dugdale, Conor J Ryan and his brother Stephen, Roisin Walsh, Angel and her band and the Jennifer Brown dance group, Art in Motion.

As you can guess, songs and standards from the songbook form the programme of this concert, a benefit for Hollie O’Donoghue’s training 2010/11 at London School of Musical Theatre.


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“A possessive sense of exile”

GLEANINGS, the seventh collection from Madrid based John Liddy, will be launched by Revival Press at Loft Venue on Monday 12, 8pm.

“The birthplace may be Cork but the soul of this poet is a Limerick soul, Limerick bred, coddled and exiled,” says Revival Press’ director, Dominic Taylor. “John Liddy in his exile, his performances and his editorial work, maintains an honoured and distinctive Limerick tradition of cosmopolitan homeliness and distant yearning”.

Gleanings by John Liddy, is available online at  and from usual outlets, €12 paperback. Come along to Loft Venue at Locke Bar & Restaurant on July 12 for a signed copy and reading by the poet. Pat McMahon of Galway Co. Library will launch the work.

Going by Water party

BASTILLE day, July 14, is the next evening assembly for White House poetry readings. The invited guest is Michael Coady, award-winning Aosdána member who launches his fourth collection of poems, Going By Water (Gallery Press, 2010). 

Among his laurels are the Patrick Kavanagh Award for poetry in 1979 and the Lawrence O’Shaughnessy Award for Poetry, University of St Thomas Centre for Irish Studies, St Paul in Minnesota. 

Admission is free, as is the food and wine reception provided by White House proprietor Glenn McLoughlin.

