Charter flight case ‘dragging on too long’

THE case involving Pamela Hickey, charged with illegal chartering of aircraft to bring Munster rugby fans to away games, is “dragging on too long”, Judge Tom O’Donnell has warned.

Inspector Gerry Horan told the court that the DPP and the State required a two week adjournment.

Solicitor John Devane said that he had spoken to garda investigating the matter and that the likelihood was that the book of evidence would not be ready for some time, so his client, subject to the courts approval, would consent to a date in early September.


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Judge O’Donnell questioned the delay and Inspector Horan replied that there were “two, possibly three, charges, and that the the gardai were awaiting the book of evidence”.

Mr Devane said that his client wished to face the matters “forthright and fairly”.

Judge O’Donnell remanded the case to September 2 and marked it peremptory against the State, noting that it was “dragging on too long”

 Pamela Hickey, aged 37, with an address at Ashford, Patrickswell, is charged with three counts relating to Munster rugby matches in September 2004 and January 2005.

She is charged with obtaining a service by deception by chartering flights through Monarch Airlines from Shannon to Gatwick on September 3 and 4, 2004 and January 15 and 16, 2005. Ms Hickey is also charged with creating a false document on the January date.
