Reports of rural crime spree

THE Ballyneety, Crecora and Ballysheedy areas were hit by robbers last weekend.

First incident was at Ballymacreese, Ballyneety, on June 10, where the owner left his house at 8.55 am, and returned three hours later to find most of the rooms had been entered….strangely, nothing appeared to have been stolen.

Neither was there any damage to the property, entered through a rear bedroom window.


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Fanningstown, Crecora, was the scene of another break-in on the same day.

The owner vacated the house at 10am, returned at 12.45 to find the front door wide open and one of the bedrooms ransacked.

The culprits stole an engagement ring, a silver necklace and a credit card.

A back bedroom window had been forced open.

Jewellery was the target again when thieves broke into a house at Ballysheedy between 11am and 12.30pm.

It appears the same method of entry was used.

Stolen were a number of pieces of jewellery, a gold tie pin, 18ct gold pendant, dress ring with red stone, a 9ct gold ring with a red stone and a broach with dark sapphire gold.

A fourth break-in occurred in Ballyclough, but here nothing was taken.

Said a garda spokesperson: “A vehicle of some sort would have been used by this gang to get to these locations and probably back into the city.”.

