CAB to seize brothel takings

Specific targeting of human trafficking

PROFILERS from the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) have frozen the bank accounts of several people involved in organised prostitution in Limerick city.

This move follows the successful conviction of several prostitutes and the apprehension of a brothel operator in recent weeks.


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CAB is in the process of seizing money made from prostitution in the city and although the Gardaí are clamping down on prostitution they are specifically targeting it where human trafficking is involved.

Detective Superintendent Jim Browne of Henry Street Garda Station explains:

“There are those who are operating voluntarily and those who are being trafficked – we have Gardaí who are specially trained in identifying the human trafficking”.

Constantly monitoring the internet to identify where prostitution is active in the city, he said that once these locations are established the brothels are monitored while Gardai establish further evidence. Referring to a man recently charged with operating a brothel in the city centre, gardai said they believe he is part of a bigger prostitution ring which may be connected to the trafficking of women from mainland Europe.

“We’ve had very good co-operation from landlords and hotels have also been very helpful in making us aware of any suspicious activity”.

The senior Garda reminded people that it is an offence for a landlord to knowingly let an apartment where prostitution is active.

“We’ve been monitoring the activity of organised prostitution in the city for a number of years. Recently criminal elements have been targeting prostitution solely to make money”.

Gardaí have also reminded those availing of the services of a prostitute that they will be brought before the courts if they are caught.

A major difficulty faced by investigating Gardaí is the mobility of the many prostitutes.

“These people are very mobile, they may come here for a month from another country, make their money and leave”.

He has asked members of the public who suspect prostitution in their locality to notify the Gardaí.
