Council’s hot line targets thuggery

LIMERICK City Council has just launched an Anti-Social Behaviour Free Phone. The number is 1800 283 064.

It will enable residents in social housing estates who wish to make complaints, to do so in a totally confidential way. There is no requirement on the caller to leave his or her name and address.

The service operates on a 24/7 basis and complaints are recorded and dealt with in a fully confidential manner and should include the following information: description of incident: location of incident: date and time of incident: name and address of alleged offender, if known, or any information that will help the city council to identify the person(s) involved.


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They will also shortly publish a dedicated web page on anti-social behaviour, to inform residents in social housing estates as to what anti-social behaviour is, the powers that the council has in relation to dealing with it and how to make a complaint.

Meantime, councillors are required to draw up and adopt an anti-social behaviour strategy no later than November.

“This strategy must set out measures to promote good estate management and co-operation with the Gardai and other bodies that have a role to play in combating anti-social behaviour – submissions will be invited from the Joint Policing Committee, An Garda Siochana, the Health Service Executive, the Limerick Regeneration Agency,” outlines a spokesperson for city council who adds:

“The definition of anti-social behaviour has been extended to include graffiti and damage to property and to apply the present anti-social behaviour provisions to cover graffiti and damage to property, the power to exchange information about housing applicants, including accommodation provided through rental arrangements”.

 Cllr Ger Fahy said it will take away the fear of reprisal from anyone reporting anti-social activity.

“Residents can now do so in safety – they need only leave details of what they witnessed, not their own names and addresses – I’m urging people to use it. There is a dedicated team of four officials dealing with anti-social behaviour who work closely with the Garda Siochana, so the council will be able to efficiently monitor this free phone service.

“Last year the council received 252 complaints of anti-social behaviour and 219 were dealt with and resolved. Every call will be investigated and where necessary the gardai will become involved”.

