Anyone for pitch and putt in Stenson Park?

Balls swallowed up in potholes – A picture can tell a thousand words, as shown by Gerry Neill and his caddy, Darragh Neill, on what they have termed Hole 196, at Stenson Park, off High Road, Thomondgate.

They have brought to attention the ongoing problem of potholes in their estate, and refer to this one as the bottomless pit, so deep it swallows the ball. Indeed, the avenues are so laden with potholes that a game of pitch and putt is possible.

Stenson Park will have to wait until mid June before any move can be made by Limerick City Council to commence road treatment works.


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The number of potholes has sprouted all over the housing estate and they have grown progressively deeper and more dangerous to motorists safety.

They are also causing damage to tyres (with many tyre blowouts), and in many cases are forcing residents to swerve across the road in an effort to avoid them.

ย Councillors for the cityโ€™s northside have repeatedly demanded, as a matter of extreme urgency, that some form, even a temporary road improvement project be carried out without delay.

The matter was again raised at an area meeting in City Hall this week, but despite the mounting frustration of residents, Cllr Maurice Quinlivan, who resides in Stenson Park, and is confronted with the issue on a daily basis, told the Limerick Post:

โ€œWe have to wait until June 17, which is the expiry date for any objections to be submitted against the city councilโ€™s taking in charge of Stenson Park.

โ€œThis was advertised recently and is part of the legal process required, but if no objections are submitted, by that date, the taking in charge process can then go aheadโ€.

However, that, according to the councillor, does not automatically mean that a comprehensive roadworks programme will then be rolled out for Stenson Park.

โ€œItโ€™s a question of funding, but I believe that some has been put aside to get the pothole problem tackled. Work will have to get underway at the very earliest date to treat these highly dangerous potholes which are making life very difficult for the residents, and for anyone going in or out of the estateโ€.

Residents of Stenson Park Gerry Neill and his Caddy Darragh Neill on โ€œHOLEโ€™โ€™ 196 of Stenson Parkโ€™s new pitch and putt course.ย 
