St. Mary’s Park told ‘build on strong sense of community’

Eminent doctor returns for special occasion

DR. Stephen Gallagher, who grew up in St. Mary’s Park, and is now based in the UK, has told residents to be proud of their community.

Delighted to accept an invitation to attend the information fair at the King’s Island Youth and Community Centre, he spoke in glowing terms of what the parish meant to him in his formative years.


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The event was hosted by St Mary’s Development Project and St Mary’ Action Centre.

Addressing the large gathering, he said that as a person who grew up locally and had experienced some of the great work of many of the organisations represented, it was a pleasure to say “thank you”.

“Though, like most communities up and down the country, we have our anti social issues, these do not define who we are as a community – we are more than this and should talk about the great projects that you have achieved and are currently achieving, and this event allows us to do that”.

Paying tribute to the clubs, training centres and other key agencies, such as CDP and St Mary’s AID, for the services and training opportunities they provide, Dr Gallagher, who lectures in psyschiatry at the University of Staffordshire,  continued:

“These organisations have helped shape our community and have made it a better place to live, but you have also inspired others and helped people feel less isolated, you’ve  put them on the right track and helped them to succeed.

“Traditionally, a community is defined as a group of interacting people, living in a common location. St Mary’s has been identified as a parish where there has been a strong sense of community and I believe that this is partly driven by the services that each of you provide – people feel part of something bigger when their local teams do well, or when someone in the community achieves – we all feel proud and more confident because it is a sharing of what is good about our community”.

Majella O’Connor of St Mary’s Community Development Project, said the aim was to highlight the effectiveness of building community spirit and goals: “Let people really see what is happening in our area, the quality and variety of services that are provided and the work being done by the many organisations, groups and clubs.

“The fair gives all these groups the opportunity to promote and showcase their organisations, display social histories and celebrate achievements, as well as providing an opportunity to everyone in the parish to get together and have some fun, sign up and get involved in the community of St Mary’s and overall, the opportunity to contribute in a positive way to make the area a better place for everyone”.

Also instrumental in making the event enjoyable and successful was Monica O’Brien Smith of Limerick City Community Forum, and the Northside Regeneration Agency which provided funding.

“It really proved very successful and the organisers are planning to make this an annual event for St Mary’s Parish,” concluded Majella.
