Limerick mum on life-support in Kansas

A 27-year-old Meelick-Moyross mother of three is on a life-support machine in Kansas, USA, after she was seriously injured in a road crash on February 8.

Nicole Ryan-Graham, a passenger in the car involved in the accident, suffered severe head injuries and has been in a coma since.

Members of her extended family in Limerick have been at her bedside, and are looking to the generosity of the public to contribute to a fund to meet hospital and medical expenses.

Said Nicole’s aunt, Mary Stundon, from Corbally.

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“Though she has been living in America for 13 years, she is not an American citizen and will be liable for all bills.

“Neither does she have any insurance.

“Hospital charges in the States are huge….we have been told that she will be on life-support for the next two weeks, and we are all praying that she will recover.

“Everything going well, Nicole will have to go into rehab, and that could be for a very long time. It is terribly upsetting to see her lying there in her hospital bed”.

Nicole moved to America with her mother Caroline Ryan O’Connell.

She is granddaughter of the late Dell and Junior Ryan of Moyross and Meelick, and also of the late Martin and Josephine Higgins of Clare Street. She has many uncles and aunts living in Limerick.

Employed as a court clerk in Kansas, she is mother of three daughters, Kendra, Katie and Kellsey, aged between 20 months and 11 years.

Back to Mary: “Nicole is still very well known in Limerick and keeps in touch with former classmates at Meelick NS. Family members in Limerick take it in turn to travel to Kansas to be at her bedside.

“We are all distraught, and pray to God that she will make a full recovery. We are told the next two weeks are vital

“Her three beautiful girls need her”.

A benefit night has been arranged for March 12 at the Greenhills Hotel, at 9-30, with tickets at 10 euro each. Contacts are Tanith O’Brien, 087-2596448, and Laura Clancy, 087-6964170.

An account has been opened at the Bank of Ireland, Castletroy, sort code 90-45-95. The account number is 44058749.
