Advanced teeth whitening at Primrose Beauty

BEYOND WhiteSpa is in the business of making people smile with confidence. Whether you have a big job interview, graduation, wedding or event coming up – or if you just want to look your best while out running errands – having shiny, white teeth will restore your confidence in letting the world see your beautiful smile. Take the first step towards a shiny, white smile: enquire from Primrose Beauty about the 60-minute BEYOND WhiteSpa power whitening treatment.

The BEYOND WhiteSpa System used cold-light technology and a concentrated beam of high-intensity blue light to accelerate the whitening process. An advanced filtration system removes harmful ultraviolet light and heat, while BEYOND WhiteSpa’s specially formulated whitening gel works to whiten teeth, restoring them to a shiny white.

In just three, 20 minute cycles, stains that have accumulated over the years are eliminated and a beautiful, shiny white smile is revealed.

Q: Is the BEYOND WhiteSpa treatment for everyone?

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A: The BEYOND WhiteSpa treatment provides dramatic results for anyone who wants to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth that have been stained by smoking or by substances such as coffee or tea. It also whitens teeth stained by tetracycline, speckled by fluoride, or hereditary discolouration. Pregnant women or clients under 16 years of age should not received the BEYOND WhiteSpa treatment.

Q: How white will my teeth get?

A: After undergoing whitening with the BEYOND WhiteSpa System, teeth shades can brighten between five to 14 shades, with an average improvement of eight shades on the BEYOND WhiteSpa Whitening Shade Guide. Although individual results will depend on how discoloured the teeth were originally, the end result will be white, shiny teeth.

Q: How long will the whitening last?

A: This varies from person to person and depends on your diet and lifestyle, but the effects usually last for about two years. Periodic touch-up treatments are recommended for clients who frequently consume coffee or other staining foods and drinks or for those who use tobacco products.

A: Is it safe?

A: Yes, scientific research has shown that the active ingredients in the BEYOND WhiteSpa Whitening Gel are effective and safe for cosmetic tooth whitening. The dental community has used these ingredients in performing teeth whitening for years. The BEYOND WhiteSpa Whitening Gel does not change or damage the structure or the teeth; it merely makes them appear white and shiny.

Available now at a special promotional price of 99 euro, telephone Primrose Beauty at 061-316652.
