Outsiders for O’Brien weekend February 26-28

THE annual Kate O’Brien Weekend opens this Friday February 26 on the theme of Outsiders. This, the 26th literary weekend held in honour of the deceased Limerick writer, has an impressive panel of contributors engaged for the three days based at City Hall and Limerick Courthouse.

Romanian soprano Gabriela Istoc follows the 8pm opening address on Friday 26 with a recital at City Hall, accompanied by Colette Davis on piano. The literary seminars, readings and explorations will close two days later at 12 noon in Limerick Courthouse, the annual Kate O’Brien lecture given by novelist Ruth Padel, titled Hopes are Shy Birds.

Among the speakers scheduled are journalist and poet John Boland; UL’s lecturer and novelist Dominique Le Meur; novelists Andrew Millar and William Wall; Hunt Museum director Hugh Maguire; poet Grace Wells and Honor Ó Brolchain who has written extensively on her own family, the Plunketts (1916).

Limerick writer Mary Coll has edited a collection of essays, Faithful Companions, which celebrates O’Brien herself. It was published last year for the weekend’s 25th anniversary. www.kateobrienweekend.com


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