Limerick IT in plans to avert closure threat to Tipperary Institute

LIMERICK Institute of Technology (LIT) has thrown a lifeline to Tipperary Institute (TI), the latter facing threat of closure following the recent McCarthy report. Both are currently in discussions exploring models for a future closer relationship. Said a spokesperson: “The recent McCarthy report, reviewing expenditure in the public sector, had recommended closure of TI.

Under the wing of the LIT organisation, this threat can now be averted, safeguarding employment prospects in Tipperary as well as services to students”.

The discussions are ongoing and are especially positive given recent reports on the future of TI and the current development of the National Strategy for Higher Education, which will seek further collaboration between 3rd level institutions so that more can be done within the existing capacity.


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Continued the spokesperson: “LIT and Tipperary Institute are now leading the way and setting an example of what can be achieved. The first phase of these discussions is expected to be completed by end January 2010.

“This is an exciting development which could lead to a wider range of options and courses becoming available to prospective students of both Institutions in the near future.

“Between them, LIT and TI already serve between 7000 and 7500 full-time and part-time students, operating from four campuses in Limerick and Tipperary. We are confident there is great potential for further development when jointly harnessing the available staff and infrastructure resources within both organisations, delivering an even better service to students, industry and communities throughout the Mid West Region and the surrounding counties”.

