‘Bob the builder’ sent to prison

A MAN who gave his name to gardai as “Bob the Builder”, has been sent to prison for public order and drugs offences dating back to last December.

Twenty-five-year-old Michael Considine,100 Oliver Plunkett St, St Mary’s Park, was charged with giving a false name to gardai, possession of drugs and breaches of the public order act.

Judge O’Donnell heard evidence from Inspector Seamus Ruane that Garda Jenkins was on mobile patrol in the St Mary’s Park area of Limerick city and encountered the accused smoking a cannabis joint on the street.

When questioned, the court was told that the accused became highly abusive and aggressive and gave his name as “Bob the Builder” to gardai.

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With 20 previous convictions including drugs and public order offences, Judge O’Donnell was told that the accused was deemed unsuitable for a community service programme in lieu of a an earlier imposed three month sentence.

In light of this, he activated the sentence that was earlier imposed and sentenced the accused to three months in prison for the section 8 public order charge for failing to comply with the directions of the gardai and to desist from acting in such a manner contrary to the act. The sentences are to run concurrently.

For the charges of giving a false name and possession of a controlled substance, Judge O’Donnell took these into consideration.

Considine later lodged an appeal to the sentences handed down.
