Man took a nap in garda station-but paid a price

Definitely not listed in B&B guides, quips inspector

A NINETEEN- year- old man, who sought refuge in Henry Street Garda Station as he attempted to “sleep off” the effects of his socialising over the festive period, before becoming abusive towards gardai when asked to leave, appeared before Limerick District Court on public order offences.

 Gearoid Garvey of St Patrick’s Villas, Castleconnell, pleaded guilty to the charges.

Giving evidence, Inspector Seamus Ruane noted that at 9.35pm on January 1 last, Garvey was found asleep in the waiting area of the garda station at Henry Street.

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He was directed to leave the area if he did not have any business there.

The accused became highly abusive and refused to leave shouting, “f..k off and leave me sleep” and “I’ll break all the windows in the station”.

Inspector Ruane noted to the court that the accused did not have any previous convictions, but had received two adult cautions previously.

Solicitor for the accused, John Devane, told the court that the accused was very intoxicated and couldn’t get home at the time.

The solicitor added that his client could not remember the incident but knows that he thought the best place for him to “sleep off” the effects of his socialising was the garda station.

“My client does not remember the entire incident, but certainly did not have any intention of causing any damage, and the threats had no basis.

“I’d ask you to look at the lighter side of this incident”.

Judge O’Donnell, noting that he was unaware that the garda provided bed and breakfast at their Henry Street Station, fined the accused €250 and ordered that it be paid within six months or, if found to be in default, to serve five days in prison.

On adjournment of the case, Inspector Ruane quipped that he did not know the station was listed on the Bord Failte guide for B&B’s.
