Food Maximising for satisfactory weightloss

AFTER years of research Unislim nutritionists have come up with the weight loss programme with the ‘satiety’ factor – that’s foods that keep you feeling satisfied and fuller for longer. This is great news for anyone who has ever tried diets before but abandoned them after just a few days because they’ve left you feeling hungry and irritable. Unislim’s new Food Maximising Plan is based on the latest scientific and nutritional know-how about the power of free foods.

These are foods you don’t have to weigh or count and include healthy lean proteins, all vegetables and lots of fruit combined with the low GI principles of healthy eating.

With Food Maximising, there is now so much more choice, flexibility and freedom to enjoy your favourite foods and still lose weight without counting grams of fat, calories or points.


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As Ireland’s longest established weight loss organisation, Unislim is passionate about good food. This new Food Maximising Plan is packed full of great satisfying meal plans with simple recipes and no need to weigh or count every bite. It is suitable for men and women to follow and fits any lifestyle.

Catherine, a member of Unislim who has lost 2 stones in the past 10 weeks while Food Maximising, says: “For years I have been trying to lose weight but failed and this has been the easiest plan I have ever followed. I have never felt hungry and have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility of being able to eat what I like without measuring or counting.”

Unislim’s new Food Maximising Plan is available at local Unislim classes or to purchase online at Any member who joins Unislim now is also eligible to enter their competition to win €10,000 – by simply losing 10lbs in 10 weeks you’ll be entered into a draw to win this fantastic cash prize.

For details of your nearest class Callsave 1850 603020 or log on to
