Schools told to close next week

THE Minister has told all primary and post-primary schools to close on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week due to the bad weather.

The Minister for Education and Science, Batt O’Keeffe TD, took the decision following a meeting on Friday of the Government’s emergency planning group and in the context of the poor weather outlook for the coming days.

Minister O’Keeffe said: “I took the decision to close all schools based on my concern for the health and safety of school children”.


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 “While it may be that some schools would have been in a position to open depending on the weather, I consider on balance that the responsible and prudent approach at this stage is to close schools in the interest of safety”.

Minister O’Keeffe stressed that the decision will not affect the local decision-making powers of school boards of management.

Higher education institutions will make their own decisions on whether to open based on local roads and weather conditions.

The great majority of principals have welcomed the fact that the minister has provided direction said Seán Cottrell, IPPN Director.

However, the Minister’s announcement has received a mixed reaction from many parents.  While some will welcome a few additional holidays, others will struggle with the additional childcare.  “Likewise, teachers will welcome the break from the danger of travelling, but fear they may have to make up these days during the Easter or summer holidays,” added Mr Cottrell.

Some principals have stated that conditions in their area did not present a safety hazard and they had near full attendance in the last two days. Their Boards of Management were confident in deciding to stay open and indicated that they wished to retain the power to make decisions for their own schools as they are entitled to do on all such matters.


