Get your man in the can, Cinders!!

DOWNTOWN traffic skidded to a stop on Thursday 17 as Cinderella’s Ugly Sisters went shopping for new gowns for the royal ball, running at UCH December 28 to January 3.

The ball in mind is the one Prince Charming must host in his public search to reel in a bride. The sisters, Polly and Esther Fabric, spied their princely crush while tearing to Crescent Shopping Centre to bag loads of make up and diamonds and dresses to be sure to be sure that they outshine all rivals at court.

“Suddenly, they saw the Prince and to their huge disappointment, he was with a girl,” reports Limerick Panto Society producer Tim Cusack. “Strangely enough the girl looked like their sister Cinderella but that couldn’t be, as Cinders was at home cooking their Christmas pud and gathering kindling for the fire. When they turned around again she was gone. The Ugly Sisters are determined to get a man for Christmas so all you men out there have been warned”.

Who was that girl? Enjoy the beauty bashing and baiting in the race to unlace the Prince. A bevy of characters are brought to life in this rollicking pantomime: Visa the Tax Collector (Nastasia Vashko), Polly Fabric (Damien Shaw and Tim Cusack), Ugly Stepmother (Grace O’Brien) and her ideal mate, Count de Money (John Finn, scriptwriter).


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Cinderella is Limerick Panto Society’s 25th celebratory pantomime and Limerick School for the Deaf is the society’s beneficiary for this year’s charity night. Spotlight Stage School and Expressive Arts School join in the fray for the Prince’s solitaire.

Book for the laughs at, shows at 3pm and 7.30pm at UCH.
