Arts news bites

Spirited season for Rape Crisis Midwest

“AWAKEN your Christmas spirit and join us for a night of Irish folk traditions of storytelling by Limerick’s very own Seanchai Tim Evans and traditional Irish music by Batt O‘Connor, Mickey Dunne and a host of other renowned Irish musicians”.

The invitation is issued by Rape Crisis Midwest for this fundraising night on Saturday December 19, Locke Bar and Restaurant at 9pm. Tickets are €12 book in advance, email [email protected] or pay at the door on Saturday 19.

Chamber orchestra chooses Handel


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GEORGE Frederic Handel is best known as the inventor of the English oratorio, the most famous being Messiah, one of the best-loved choral-orchestral works in history. Irish Chamber Orchestra has selected this major opus for its Christmas presentation at University Concert Hall.

With an international range of soloists and singers, Handel’s Messiah will be rendered in full on Friday December 18 at 8pm.

The launch of David Lilburn’s book of sketches, Walking Drawing Making Memory, rolled forward a week to this Thursday December 10. The venue remains Limerick City Gallery of Art, Pery Square and the reception runs 5pm to 7pm for Lilburn’s Ballynahinch Sketchbook.

Christmas Voices…Christmas Stories

THE three individual talents behind Women’s Voices…Women’s Stories return to tour with a Christmas presentation on the same concept. Singer, theologian and writer Noirín Ní Riain joins with Cora Fenton of Call Back Theatre and poet Eileen Sheehan to platform Christmas Voices.. Christmas Stories.

The seasonal evening gathers first on Friday December 18 in Rathkeale Arts Centre at 7.30pm. Here the three performers will be joined by St. Anne’s Girls School Choir. On Sunday December 20, you can join the rapport and magic of this performance at 3pm in Ard Scoil Mhuire Convent Chapel Bruff. Christmas Voices.. Christmas Stories will also host a guest appearance by the Bruff School Choir that afternoon. Free in.

New show at  Frame

A NEW exhibition for Christmas at Frame Gallery, Cornmarket Court, follows on Philip Ryan’s for this Saturday 12. The gallery and framing service owner Mark Bourke has art of his own hanging among that of a dozen names such as Jimmy Halpin, Derval Freeman, Ryan, Jack Donovan and Brian Mac Mahon.

The annual Christmas show is mixed media and open daily on a Monday to Saturday basis at Upr Denmark Street. Bourke specialises in handfinished and box frames for sports and other memorabilia.

