Council issues flood evacuation warning

LIMERICK County Council has advised customers living close to flood prone areas along the Lower River Shannon to familiarise themselves with evacuation procedures.

The Local Authority has warned of further flooding along the lower River Shannon owing to increasing levels of water in the Shannon system.  It said unprecedented rainfall levels and resultant record flooding along the River Shannon necessitated an increase in the amount of water that had to be released at Parteen Weir by the ESB.   The discharge levels at the ESB weir had been growing in recent days and resulted in the unavoidable release of higher volumes of water downstream this afternoon.

Limerick County Council is advising customers from Montpelier downstream to Limerick City to familiarise themselves with a number of actions, as outlined on  The actions that can be undertaken immediately prior to a flood to reduce damages and protect you and your family include:


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Advance Preparations:

.    Be prepared to evacuate your home or business. Protect yourself, your family and others that need your help.
.    Have warm clothing and wellingtons ready.
.    Have medication to hand (if needed).
.    Put sandbags at any openings where the water could gain access.
.    Move your car to high ground if possible.
.    Have your mobile phone charged
.    Listen to all public alerts issued by the Local Authority or emergency services

Actions to take if being evacuated:

.    Turn off gas and electricity.
.    Disconnect cookers, washing machines, dishwashers, etc., connected by rigid pipes to prevent damaging the machine and the pipes.
.    Store any electrical items upstairs or above flood level.
.    Co-operate with emergency services and local authorities. You may be evacuated to emergency centres.
    Close off the flow valves on propane tanks, oil drums, or other fuel containers that supply your home through pipes and fittings.
.    Move valuables and other items to safety. Place them above the flood level or upstairs. (It may be preferable to routinely store such items safely upstairs or on high shelves).
.    Roll up carpets and rugs and place them out of harms way.
.    Empty furniture that cannot be moved and put the contents upstairs.
.    Raise furniture that cannot be moved elsewhere on bricks or blocks. Move these pieces away from walls to assist the drying later. If pieces are too difficult to lift weigh   them down with a heavy object to prevent them floating and causing damage to windows, etc.
.    Remove curtains if there is time, if not tie them over the curtain rail.
.    Remove cabinet doors and internal doors if time allows, if not leave them open.
.    Unplug any exterior electrical connections such as outdoor lighting, pond pumps and filters.
