THE founder of USFI (Unmarried and Separated Families of Ireland), has described the Law Reform’s commission white paper on fathers’ rights as a smokescreen.
USFI leader Ray Kelly, feels that key issues have not been addressed by the law reform commission and they also failed to consult unmarried fathers while developing the white paper. Mr Kelly said they urgently need to be addressed: “Last week alone, six children in Ireland have been abducted from their father and brought to England”.
The consultation paper examines fathers’ rights regarding guardianship, custody and access to their children.
He said: “We welcome it to a certain degree because of the proposal to change the legal terms custody and access to the term known as parental responsibility. This is something that has been in England for years”. Automatic guardianship for fathers was first recommended in 1982 but has never been implemented, and the report reads, “very few countries have legislated along these lines”.
However, Mr Kelly said: “We’re disappointed that no clear indications have been made regarding the definition of the family unit. Separated and unmarried parents are still not being recognised”.
He also believes that it gives no clear definition of the father: “I cannot understand how I was not approached when the document was being compiled”.
The report takes into account what it refers to as, “changing patterns in family relationships generally in Ireland”.
Ray feels that this is particularly relevant to Limerick. “Limerick has one of the highest levels of marital break up and children born out of wedlock in the country”.
He questioned how equal contemporary Ireland actually is: “Where’s this equality we spoke of when 97.3% of unmarried mothers are granted automatic custody. Is there something wrong with me…am I a bad person?”.
Now he feels his organisation need a voice: “We’re looking for proper representation. We’re hoping that a delegation of men can sit down on behalf of unmarried fathers and put together a clear set of proposals on our needs”.
USFI will be making submissions to the law reform commissions in the concerning the definitions of unmarried fathers and single mothers.
It will also make submissions regarding joint-custody as well as custody for grandparents.