Fill up with air

Following the success of their recent event in Limerick as well as the recent burst of good weather, experts at Michelin say that we may have found ourselves using our car that bit more as we travel more at weekends so we must fill up with air regularly. As we all try to beat the current economic downturn it could be that driving to our chosen destination is more appealing, but whatever you use your car for, whether business or pleasure, make sure you do a few essential safety checks before you make your journey.

That’s the word coming from Michelin and as the only contact between your car and the road, tyres are essential to your car’s performance and safety. Under-inflated tyres reduce grip and handling, can weaken the tyres structure and even cost you more to drive, so that’s why this summer Michelin is urging everyone to “Fill Up With Air”.

Michelin is highlighting the benefits of keeping your tyres properly inflated with its “Fill Up With Air” campaign. These benefits are not just related to our safety, they can also be environmental and financial. Tyres with the correct pressure can reduce your carbon footprint by improving your car’s fuel consumption and also save you money by making your tyres last longer.


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Benefits of Correctly Inflated Tyres

•    Increased safety

•    Lower fuel costs

•    Improved tyre life

It’s all very well talking about tyre safety but when it comes to doing it we might need a little help, so those helpful people at Michelin have made the process simple. The lightweight, easy-to-use Michelin digital tyre pressure gauge provides accurate tyre pressure readings in a compact unit, ideal for keeping in the glove box. The Michelin digital tyre pressure gauge has three main features:

LED torch

Large blue back lit display

Ergonomic design

So for our digital online readers, here’s a chance to “Fill Up With Air” and win a Michelin digital tyre pressure gauge worth €36.99 by simply answering this question.

Q – What is Michelin urging us to do this autumn/winter?

Fill Up With Food

Fill Up With Water

Fill Up With Air

Send your answers to [email protected] and be in with a chance to win.


