Busy lunch with hospitable touch

LUNCH specials at the Texas Steakout Restaurant present wonderful choice and speedy service for the working day.

There’s a selection of 13 dishes cooked on Monday to Saturday basis from 12noon to 4pm, allowing for a flexible lunch-hour and late meetings. This 116 O’Connell Street restaurant is drawing robust trade from locals and visitors because its long-serving team offers tasty food and courteous table service.

There’s value too with main courses such as a roast half chicken at 7.95 euro or try sirloin beef at 10.95 euro.


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Later in the day, the conventional Early Bird menu is replaced at Texas Steakout by an Anytime You’re Hungry menu. This runs from 4pm to 11pm all week on a Sunday to Friday basis and its friendliness and variety ensures a happy hum. Manager Mags Enright is offering three substantial courses for 24.95 euro and “we’re very busy, with plenty of tourists in the city for the past few weeks as well as our regulars. There’s a good feeling around and we appreciate the custom”.

A good house wine label, Cono Sur Tocornal, is yours for 15 euro for red or white varietals.

Enjoy the buzz of this underground community in the cellar ‘caves’ at Texas Steakout. Book a table on 061-410350.
