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Stuck in the middle with you!


IT can often be an easy way out for pundits in Gaelic Football to say that a game “will be won in midfield” It has become a cliche in several ways. The Ulster brand of football dictates that midfielders are often link players in a greater plan.

The Munster Football final this weekend however has the midfield battle at it’s core. There is no getting away from it this time. It is going to be a straight battle between Alan O Connor and Nicholas Murphy of Cork and John Galvin and Jim O Donovan of Limerick.

This week I caught up with Limerick’s number eight and number nine and the midfield duo explained how they see things going on Sunday.

“People say we dominated midfield in Tipperary game, but it was only for the first half. The Clare game was the same and we didn’t pick up the breaking ball. We will need to do the same against Cork” commeted Galvin. “It’s crucial for us to create targets for our own ball, from kick out and frees and it is also crucial that we make sure Cork have no easy targets from their own kick outs”

The challenge that faces both middle men is quiet different. Galvin is playing in his fourth Munster final, if you count a replay, while Jim, a late convert from Lansdowne rugby, is playing in his first.

“It is by far the biggest game I have ever played in. When I was younger and living in England I played a lot of rugby, but then I switched back to football and I am delighted to be here now and I will be looking to the likes of John Galvin and Stephen Lavin and Stephen Lucey who have played in the big games to give us the edge on Sunday”

Galvin on the other hand knows these big days and knows too what it is like to beat Cork in 2003 and of course suffer the heart break of last years two goals in the last minute defeat.

“Cork are the favourites for the All Ireland now after they beat Kerry. We know that we should have beaten them last year, but they got the breaks. They went on and won the Munster title and fair play to them. This time however, we are ready for that pressure. We know that we are not that far off the best and Sunday will go along way to showing us where we stand in terms of the best teams in the country” commeted the Croom native.

With Galvin in his fourth final and Jim O’Donovan talking about beating Cork, it serves as a motivation that the county is still seen as a hurling county. Both midfield giants commented that this weekend was all about Limerick GAA. Be you a football fan or a hurling fan they both want all the Limerick fans to come down and support them.

The motivation for this team this year is something that other teams do not seem to have. Jim O’Donovan touched on it when he stated that, “this one is for family, friends, the supporters and not just the team” Galvin also added that over the years there have been those loyal football supporters that deserve this day and the team hope to give them something to cheer about.

With the battle at midfield one of the key areas of the game this Sunday, I know who I would rather be playing with. By the way, when you look at the picture above, I am standing on a step, or maybe two.

Limerick will take to the field on Sunday in safe hands. These two lads were as focussed as I have seen them. A lot has gone on already this year in Limerick GAA circles, but I have a feeling that more is to come. Having interviewed these lads this week, I have no doubt that Limerick will be more than a match for Cork and then some.

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