Sherkin’s weeks of art

SHERKIN Island is host to a month of week-long workshops in art, organised by two professionals who trained at LSAD. Cora Collins, a mural artist and colour consultant with Dulux, and Michelle O’Neill Collins, who facilitates Dublin Institute of Technology’s BA(hons) in Art on the island, have set up the Sherkin Island Summer Art Workshop.

Majella’s paintings feature on the wall’s of actor George Clooney and Jeromy Irons, while Cora is currently contributing to TV3’s Ireland AM with a feature on colours for interiors.

“It’s a five day all-inclusive course for beginners and experienced artists,” Cora explains. “Sherkin Island is a beautiful, inspirational place and home to many artists. A 10 minute ferry ride from Baltimore will take you there and our 750euro for the five days is inclusive of the ferry ticket, materials required, meals and accommodation at the island’s hotel”.

The tuition’s accent is on painting, drawing, techniques, land-art, photography and a field trip to neighbouring Heir Island. Numbers are restricted to 12 per class and  it helps to “have an interest in creative art, the beauty of an amazing island landscape and a sense of fun. While some experience is preferred – it is not essential – this workshop will also be suitable for more experienced artists”.


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Cora Collins, left and Michelle O’Neill Collins combine tuition with inspiration.
