Elton John After Party

La Boutique at Dolan’s are hosting the unofficial Elton John Aftershow Party with the Kylie Experience on Saturday June 6.

 La Boutique, Limerick’s fortnightly gay club is running an extra night to welcome the true queen of England. “We thought it fitting to have two gay icons on stage in Limerick on the same night and they don’t come more iconic than Kylie and Elton”, said promoter Nicole Dunphy.

Rosie Howick is Ireland’s only Kylie Minogue impersonator and is without doubt the closest thing you will get to seeing the pop princess herself live.  She has been wowing audiences throughout Ireland and the UK since 2007.  Her show is packed with glam, glizt and Kylie classics.  You will not be able to get this Kylie Experience out of your head! “We are also going to use the night as an unofficial kick off to Limerick Pride which takes place in September.  The Pride crew will be at Dolans on the night.  So, if anyone wants to contribute, get involved or find out about the events, this is the night to do it,” added Nicole.


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