Linkage reports tells of 175 former offenders reintegration

DETAILS of the 2007/2008 Annual Report of Business in the Community Ireland’s Linkage Programme have been made know to this Wednesday. At the launch, Chairman of The Linkage Programme, Patrick Lynch, announced that over 3,400 former offenders were placed in education, training and employment since the inception of the national programme in 2000. Of this number, 175 former offenders have been placed in the Limerick region.

Funded by the Probation Service under the National Development Plan, The Linkage Programme is managed by Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI). The Linkage Programme is part of the National Anti-Poverty Strategy and received funding of €1.55 million from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform through the Probation Service in 2008.

Speaking at the launch, Patrick Lynch, Chairman of the Linkage Programme stated that “the whole basis for success of this programme is its collaborative approach. The Linkage Programme could not exist without the Probation Service. In addition, the support of the Irish business sector, agencies such as FÁS, IBEC and Small Firms Association as well as the non profit sector are all essential partners and ensure the continued success of the Linkage Programme in the years to come and have been a contributing factor to the increases in referrals and placements which we have witnessed over the past year. “


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The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform acknowledges through its funding support that the Linkage Programme has proven to be an invaluable aid to the work of The Probation Service. The programme has many far reaching benefits; it assists ex-offenders to improve their life and that of their families, it prevents recidivism, breaking the cycle of offending behaviour and encourages social inclusion. By working closely with ex offenders on finding an employment path which is both achievable and sustainable, it offers real benefits not only to the clients but also to the wider community.

 “The whole ethos of the Linkage Programme is real jobs for real people. We have just introduced psychometric testing for our clients so careful thought is put into achievable and more importantly sustainable career paths. Having a fulfilling job means a client rarely re-offends so not only are the benefits felt by the individual but also the wider community as a whole so this programme represents long term value for money”, said Paddy Richardson, Manager of Employment Programmes with Business in the Community Ireland (BITCI).


Key highlights of the report included:
* From 2000-2008, 5198 former offenders have engaged with the Linkage programme. Of that, 3419 people have been placed in employment, education or training. In total, 5425 placements have been made (clients may have multiple placements e.g. a training course placement and then a job placement).

* Of those 5425 placements-
* 52% were placed in Employment
* 33%  were placed in Training
* 15% were placed in Education
* To date, 12% of all clients have been female
* The programme reported an 81% increase in referrals to the programme in 2008 compared to the previous year
* There was also a 50% increase in the number of placements in 2008
* Sectors which have shown the highest increase in placements between 2007 and 2008 include
* Hotel and Catering – 185%
* Transport – 118%
* Service Industry – 48%
The work of the Linkage Programme has been found to have far reaching positive implications, not just for the client but also for his or her family, peer group and for the wider community as a whole. The Linkage Programme covers 26 counties and employs 18 Training & Employment officers (TEOs) throughout the country.
