Kate honoured for fund-raising efforts

MUNGRET resident Kate Molyneaux was honoured at a national awards ceremony in Letterkenny for her tremendous volunteer work.

The 17 year old Kate, who is a sixth year student at Salesians College Copsewood Pallaskenry, was honoured at the Pramerica Spirit of Community awards

for her outstanding volunteer work, she and 14 other finalists received 500 euro awards, silver engraved medallions and a personal congratulations from Dr. Jimmy Devins T.D Minister for science, technology and innovation.


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Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Devins described the awards as an excellent programme giving much needed recognition to youth volunteers.

Kate was selected for the great honour due to her heavy involvement in fund-raising for the Marie Keating foundation and for her noted charity work for communities in South Africa.

Kate’s inspiration comes from her own personal experience as her mother died of breast cancer when she was nine years- old. She has organised many fund raising events, including a mini marathon in Dublin, and a mini marathon in Limerick, to raise funds for an orphanage in Johannesburg.
