Throwing light on Sarsfield Bridge

WHO put the lights out on Sarsfield Bridge, and who is responsible for their upkeep?
Local election candidate Sean Griffin, wants light thrown on the issues.
He claims that one-third of the lights are not working, and reflect badly on the city, especially since the bridge is a main artery.
In response to a request for information from Vincent Murray, senior engineer, City Hall, Griffin was told that lights on the bridge are maintained by the ESB, on their behalf.

However, he disagrees. “As a former alderman, it is my experience that City Council is responsible.
“And if they do engage a contractor, they should insist that maintenance work is carried out”
He says that the lighting on the bridge has deteriorated greatly.
“The original part of the bridge is not lighting and the lampshades are in decay”. 
 Sarsfield Bridge, he added, was a city landmark and was deserving of attention. “Thousands of pedestrians and cars pass over it each day and it should be a showpiece”.
He did acknowledge that the council are preparing a tender for the cleaning and repainting of lampshades on the bridge, but he believes that the lighting standard needs to be addressed immediately.
“Even when lamps and shades are vandalised, they should be tended to immediately”.   
