Google to put Limerick on map

LIMERICK is to be one of five Irish cities to be included in Google’s new Street View feature.

The famous search engine is to produce a facility which will allow the public to view streets in Ireland in detail, via the internet. The facility is already available for a number of cities around the world, and is integrated into the Google Maps and Google Earth features.

With this advanced facility it will be possible to see digital photographs, which provide a panoramic view of the city’s streets. It will even be possible to zoom in on details such as the name of a particular Limerick shop on a PC, which should prove to be of great assistance to locals and tourists alike.


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The photo -taking will begin in Dublin next week and will continue on to Limerick, Galway, Cork and Waterford.

So, if a black car is spotted roaming the streets with a five foot high camera apparatus mounted to the roof, fear not. It is nothing more than Google researching their latest innovative project, which should prove a boost for Limerick tourism.
