Edelle reveals her new look after losing a whopping 26lbs!

She’s transformed! Our “Operation Transformation” girl has done it and she tells all in her final posting to the fashion pages.

Local girl Edelle O’Brien from Caherdavin revealed her fantastic new look last weekend at an exclusive photoshoot at the Limerick Strand Hotel.

Edelle has been on an ‘operation transformation’ style training and eating regime for the last six weeks in association with the Ultimate Health Clinic and personal trainer Dave Sheahan.


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To celebrate her determination and success at losing an amazing 26lbs and dropping two dress sizes, we enlisted the help of Mikey and Louise in Cats hair salon to transform Edelle’s locks. Edelle has very healthy hair but it was very long and all the one length. Mikey convinced her to go for the chop, taking the length up even more at the back so that it falls forward and giving her ‘bangs’ (my word, not his!) that fall to her jawline. He explained that this would be the most flattering for a round face like Edelle’s and he really seems to know what he’s talking about as this young lady is looking fab with her new hairdo! Award-winning colourist Louise chose not to stray
too far from Edelle’s natural brown colour but added rich tones and very
subtle blonde highlights.
Make-up artist Danielle from Newport Health and Beauty created a flawless complexion and kept to a natural daytime look in keeping with the clothes
for the shoot, while also adding some extra hints of colour for some outfits.
Edelle was thrilled with the clothes from Katie Janes and couldn’t decide what she loved most by the end of the shoot but I think it was a toss up between the wrap dress and that gorgeous lime green coat!
The shoes from Michael Gleeson Shoes perfectly complimented each outfit
and Edelle finished off each look with some touches of jewellery from
Goldmine Jewellers where she is the manager. The outfits, as you can see, are very flattering for Edelle’s new shape, emphasising her new trim waistline and toned curvy silhouette.
Whether it’s a shopping trip, a romantic date, dinner out with girls, or a special occasion, these outfits would see her through.
The only place we’re sure not to see them on her is the Young Munsters rugby pitch! I think you’ll agree our rugby player is looking every inch the lady here.

Here’s Edelle’s final diary entry as part of her transformation.

“Hi everyone, well it’s all over and I’m still alive, yay! I did it! It hasn’t been easy though. You all know about what I have had to go through with the colonics, and training with Dave Sheehan. What you all didn’t hear is about the sacrifices I have made – like when I went to a party in my friend Karen’s house, she was having a lovely cheese fondue party with breads and meats etc. and I had to have chicken and rocket salad! Or when I spent Valentine’s Day in the gym because I couldn’t go out that night anyway due to a match the next day but it was all a little depressing and worse still, there was no eye candy there either – now that’s commitment! Most importantly, I’ve had no red wine the whole time and anyone who knows me, knows how much of a sacrifice that has been. I may actually have been the cause of the huge drop in Shiraz sales in Australia!
“For every minus of course, there must be a plus, and I have a huge amount of fat clothes in a pile waiting to go to the charity shop! As well as that, I have cut my hair, well, I let a lovely man cut my hair! I went to Cats and met Louise first who coloured my hair and then Mikey who convinced me to cut my hair but I have to say I like it! The fear when Mikey started to cut it was horrendous – I nearly had the shakes because I have been growing it for so long (due to a mullet injury years and years ago!). Also, I had my first spray tan of 2009 and it was a lot faster as there was less of me!! I go to my friend Monique in Shades of Beauty on William Street, she is the only other person to see me near to naked since this all started she said she could really see a difference in me.
“Last Sunday I had a great day taking photos in the Strand Hotel. I went to Katie Janes in the Castletroy Shopping Centre where I met Michelle and had a lovely time picking out clothes. She was very nice and very honest – I think I may have tried on every outfit in the shop, and if it was not nice she told me. I left with three dresses and two coats, one of the coats is now in my wardrobe! I felt I needed it in my life and had a problem giving it back to her (by the way it’s a size 14 yipee!!). Later that same day I went into Michael Gleeson Shoes and met Dearbhla there who looked at the dresses and chose four pairs of shoes in about 2.5 seconds – she really knows her shoes!!
  “The day of the photo shoot was hectic, Mikey came to the hotel and blow-dried my hair. A lovely girl from Newport Health & Beauty called Danielle did my make-up, which was really lovely and it was hard work as I have sun damage on my face from the mountains and the wilds of Achill Island. Note to everyone: wear your sun factor! Then I became a model for two hours! It was hilarious with much giggling on my part (lucky I knew the photographer, anyone else would have killed me) and seemingly I have a blinking problem, but it was great fun. Dave and Caroline and Lisa and Marese all came for their photo too. They are all so proud of me. They have changed my shape and, corny and all as it sounds, it has also changed my life somewhat. There is no way I could have done this on my own, not getting these results this fast. People have asked what was different this time and I think I myself am a different person this time. I really wanted it to work and if it didn’t I was disappointing two other people also. Caroline and Dave have been so good to me it would have killed me not to succeed for them. Can you believe I am a gym bunny! Well nearly! I take back all the bad things I said about gyms, maybe it’s just when you find one that works for you…
“I do have some advice for anyone who is going to try this. Keep an open mind about colonics, they are not as bad as you think. Don’t be hungry. For the best results, listen to your personal trainer, the gym really really works. If you have any digestive problems and there is even a small thought of something serious happening in your tummy just try a colonic. Also talk to these people (Caroline and Dave) as they really are experts.
 “Now for the most amazing news: with Caroline and the Ultimate Health Clinic I lost a total of 26lbs!!! With Dave the super trainer I lost a total of 18.5 inches all over, almost two dress sizes and 21mm of yucky fat!!! I feel awesome. Nothing has ever worked like this. Bring on 2009. Anything is possible. I’m telling you, with all of my heart, being 32 years of age if I can do it, anyone can. It has been hard but worth every bead of sweat and every missed dessert and missed Tayto sandwich and snackbox and Chinese takeaway. Thanks to everyone who supported me, to those who stopped me in the street to offer support, those who called into me at work to wish me luck and mostly thank you to all at the UHC and scary Dave who isn’t that scary after all!! And of course to you the Limerick Post readers, for listening to me going on and keeping me going by noticing the difference and telling me. Thanks!”
Edelle xx
