Hope for Thomondgate residents

PEOPLE living on the New Road, who blame the proximity of a derelict site directly opposite their homes for an outbreak of anti-social and criminal activity, as well as illegal dumping in their area, can be assured that Limerick City Council will look very sympathetically at the issue.

Recently the Limerick Post reported on the concerns of the residents who have had to endure their cars being vandalised, their properties damaged and litter being dumped up against their homes as well as inside the derelict site.

Cllr Kevin Kiely this week reminded the council that three years ago, the site had been earmarked for social housing but when the project was dropped, the site was cleared and left vacant.


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“The residents would now like to see a community centre and landscaped area, with a river walk there – we can’t pretend these people don’t exist, we must have a guarantee on this and meantime a JCB to clean it out”.

Assuring the councillor that they will “move on this”, director of services, Kieran Lehane, said the area involved “is a great site and I will be mindful of this, but there are issues at national level.”
