FIFTEEN Limerick national schools are to lose 17 teachers inside the next year, with a total of 200 teachers lost nationwide.
The job losses are as a result of the budget decision made earlier this year, which dictates that one teacher will have to be sanctioned for every 28 children.
The Department of Education have named 364 schools that will be losing teachers.
Two teachers will be lost to Scoil Ide, Corbally. The other local schools affected are: St.Mary’s Girls NS, Scoil na mBearnan, Pallasgreen, St John The Baptist Boys NS, Effin NS, Scoil Tobhar Phadraig Patrickswell, Loughill Ballynanty NS, Castleconnell NS, Askeaton NS, Croi Ro Naofa Iosa Fernbank, Ballybrown, Clarina, Christ the King, Caherdavin, Mary Queen of Ireland and Scoil Mocheallog, Kilmallock.
However, the INTO predicts that there will be mass over crowding in schools around the country as a result of the cutbacks.
Limerick to lose teachers