Cost of pre-purchasing a city grave explained

PREPARING to come face-to-face with your maker is very much on the minds of many Limerick people, if one is to judge by the amazing response from readers to last week’s article headed ‘Grave Matter as city people pay double for resting place in Mungret’.

The Limerick Post made contact with Mr Flannan Haskett, who has responsibility for Mount St Lawrence Cemetery, Mount St Lawrence Extension and Mount St Oliver, which come under the jurisdiction of Limerick City Council.

Mount St Lawrence Cemetery, he told us, was now closed to those wishing to purchase a plot, but there is a possibility that some land will be reclaimed, making spaces available at a future date.


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At Mount St Lawrence Extension, a single plot, to take two burials-possibly three- costs 1,575 euro,

An pathway plot at nearby Mount St Oliver, designed for three burials, will set you back 1180 euro, and an internal plot in the same graveyard, also with three spaces, costs 950 euro, all pre purchase.

Interestingly, a ‘time of need’ pathway plot at Mount St Oliver is priced at 950 euro, with a charge of 720 euro for an internal plot at the same cemetery, again with three spaces.

Mr Haskett explained that they take a sympathetic approach at time of need.

There is a cost factor of 475 euro each time a grave is opened.

On the issue of a crematorium for Limerick, Mr Haskett replied; “I don’t notice any swing in that direction.

“Most still like the traditional burial, where they can visit and pray for their loved ones”.

Those who have reason to frequent Mount St Lawrence and Mount St Lawrence extension have been highly complimentary of the many improvements carried out by the staff.

The trees have been either cut or pruned, allowing much more light to enter, and making for an even more peaceful setting.

Mr Haskett paid tribute to his staff of seven for maintaining all three city graveyards in prime condition.

“When taking the pre- purchase price into consideration, it must be remembered that we have to maintain plots-for example, all plots bought years in advance, and not yet opened, are given equal care and attention”.

He also pointed out that the church in the old graveyard was recently re-roofed and cleaned.
