Weekly crime update

Car crime on the increase

THERE was a fair share of car crime in Limerick over the last week-with the usual thefts from them.

Indeed, thieves took a different direction in that they stole a taxi sign from a car parked outside a house in Clarina Avenue, Ballinacurra Weston.


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There is always a concern when such signs are stolen because there is a possibility that they will be used on a vehicle, which may then be used in carrying out some crimes, because by having a taxi sign on top, will give an authentic look to the vehicle.

Alarm sounds and thieves run off

A resident in Shelbourne Avenue, Farranshone, woke to the sound of his car alarm going off last Sunday at 6-30am.

When he checked his car he observed two youths running from it but he was unable to give a description. The culprit had apparently cut open the roof of the convertible BMW with a knife, but ran off when the alarm sounded.

A considerable amount of damage was done as a result, but nothing was taken from the car.

Meanwhile, a side window of a car was broken at Drumroe, Rhebogue, sometime in the early hours of Sunday last, and a spare wheel and another type of wheel were taken from the booth of a car at Curragh Brinn, last Saturday.

The front and rear number plates were removed from a car which was parked at the rear of a house on the Ennis Road, last Saturday.

The plates Reg No 05D 32852 were taken.

A car parked at the Radisson Hotel last Friday had its back passenger window smashed, with a HP Annesc 7200 laptop computer and law book stolen. Mayorstone Gardai are investigating this incident.

Computers and TV set are targets

THE owners of a house at Walnut Court, Kennedy Park, returned home last Saturday to find that a laptop computer and a portable DVD player had been taken.

At nearby O’Donoghue Avenue, Janesboro’, thieves entered and took a 32” TV set. Entry was gained through an unlocked patio door.

There was a break-in at a house in Clarina last Friday, when the occupants were at work. Entry was gained through a rear bathroom window and a number of items were taken, including a Dell computer, two speakers and a Nintendo DS.

There was a similar incident at a house near Cloghnadromin, Ballysimon, when again a Dell computer was the target.

In Lisnagry, a house was ransacked but the thieves left empty handed.

A house in Cool na Habhainn, Caherconlish, was broken into in the middle of the night last Sunday. The occupants were present at the time but heard nothing. They awoke to find the car missing from the driveway and two mobile phones left on the counter top in the kitchen, and a Hewlett Packard laptop, were missing. The keys of the family car, an Opel Zafira hatchback, had been left on a hall table inside the front door and were used to steal the car.

Gardai advise that car keys not be left on hall tables.

