Demand for rezoning of controversial site

A SECOND planning application for residential development on a site located at Lynwood Park is being vigorously opposed by residents and councillors, two of whom have called for a rezoning of the site to block residential development.

While Cllr Diarmuid Scully’s recommendation that the land involved be rezoned to “agriculture,” was rejected by City Hall’s head of finance, John Field, on the grounds that there is no such category of zoning within the city boundary, Cllr Joe Leddin’s notice of motion that the council “make a variation on the current City development Plan and rezone a three acre site at Lynwood Park from residential to open space” was carried

At a full council meeting on Monday next, the councillors will vote on the issue, which if carried, will automatically nullify any application for residential development.


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A further notice of motion from Cllr Pat Kennedy called for strong support from the councillors in support of the residents of Lynwood Park/Norwood Park/Granville Park to refuse planning permission for a development of apartments and houses, which, he said, would “”seriously breach the fundamental requirement contained in Section 34 of the Planning and Development Act in relation to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and would breach the provisions of the Limerick City Development Plan”.

At Monday’s meeting, the councillors, who have the reserved authority to propose rezoning of sites, will vote on the issue. Cllr Kennedy has asked that in support of a decision to refuse planning permission, the council should carry out a full investigation into all aspects of the objection raised by residents, to include reports from the various council departments dealing with traffic and safety, sewerage, water, sanitary and fire services, environmental, amenity and residential issues.

Arguing against an “open space” rezoning for the site, Cllr Scully said there is an existing right of way through the site, which is behind some residents’ houses.

“Open space means people will congregate there at night – we will have anti-social activity occurring there”.

Mr Field said that people congregating “is a public order issue.”

Voicing his outright opposition to this second planning application, which is for an increased number of houses and a reduced number of apartments, Cllr Kennedy said he believed it is at prevalidation stage.

“The bottom line is this development must be stopped whatever means have to be taken,” he said. Cllr Kathleen Leddin agreed.
