Sinn Fein calls for defined guidelines

CLEAR and defined guidelines by local authorities engaged in the privatisation of services to ensure that no conflict of interest arises, has been called for by Mick The Quill Ryan, a spokesman for Republican Sinn Fein.  The chairman of RSF in the north side of Limerick, claimed there are concerns in relation to some aspects of the sale of former public functions and property.

“In recent times Limerick City Council has taken to involving private companies in the supply and distribution and maintenance of water in the city.

“Traditionally, this function was the responsibility of the Council and staff were employed in the service.


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“With the move towards privatisation in the recent past many of the functions of a local authority are being put out to tender”.

Continuing, he said:” In an era when there is a desire for more transparency and accountability, there must be clear and defined guidelines for officials acting on behalf of the City Council.
