PON codes to easily stamp your address

Irish companies and households to use post codes
IN Ireland, more than 40 per cent of addresses are not unique, causing problems for emergency services, courier and postal services, taxis, service providers, visitors to your location etc – thus the reason directions are sought by motorists and visitors.

The use of PON Codes aims to speed up the reaction times of emergency services, the efficiency of delivery services and generally make businesses, tourist attractions and any place more accessible.

 PON Codes are geared towards reducing fuel costs, making the service a potentially significant contributor to the reduction of Ireland’s carbon

Questions are asked as to why we should use post codes but Glenn, Pearson outlines a number of benefits.


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“People ask me why they should have a post code? and I wtell them that your unique seven digit code ensures you get no more confusing directions.

“In the unfortunate event that you require major assistance from the the emergency services, they will arrive at your address promptly and not get lost. For the business user, clients can find you effortlessly and equally so, deliveries arrive to the correct address”.

Glenn added: “Businesses will pay a small fee to have their code allocated but the benefits will far outweigh the cost.

“The code can be keyed into certain sat-navs to assist in getting you where you need to be, and the company is in the process of developing suitable software to include all types.

“This will allow the user to key in a five digit code and locate their destination in seconds”.

Other noted benefit, are;

The PONC code for Irish households is free, visit www.getmethere.ie and is ideal for rural addresses.
