Lights dim on cinemas plan

THERE are no immediate plans for a multi-screen cinema in Bedford Row, as suggested in sections of the media.

And Michael Daly, who heads the development company known as Fordmount, has also denied reports they had purchased a substantial amount of properties in Bedford Row, Henry Street and Sarsfield Street.

“True, we have purchased two units, but no more than that”.


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Continuing, he said they had earlier informed City Council of their preference for cinemas overhead any proposed retail units in a revamped Bedford Row, “but that was just a vision we had. We have no experience in workings of the film industry”.

He confirmed they had not entered into any negotiations with cinema operators, either at home or abroad.

Film distributors have denied any knowledge of a new cinema complex in the city centre, and a leading operator told the Post that in his opinion, Limerick was not ready for a third outlet.

Back to Mr Daly: “Plans we have in mind for the area are very much down the road at the moment. We have developed one side of Bedford Row and would now like to enhance the opposite side.

“Ideally, we would like to create a street leading from Bedford Row onto Sarsfield Street.

“We have other projects in mind for Limerick”.

The current economic climate, he continued, was not conducive to major developments.

The Limerick Post has been made aware that outline plans for a major city centre redevelopment will be discussed with the city manager, Tom Mackey, and the city planners on Thursday.

Mr Daly did not deny suggestions made to this newspaper by reliable sources that Fordmount were involved in talks with other property owners in the area.

While a planning application has yet to be lodged, preplanning discussion will be entered into with the City Hall planners.
