The Disconauts

TRINITY Rooms hosts the After Party for Munster’s (hopefully) glorious victory against Asm Clermont on Saturday December 13. In addition to residents Paul Webb and Mac, the three room party palace welcomes the very live, very party rocking sound of the Disconauts live in the Clubhouse from 9pm – a three piece whirlwind on four decks and percussion. “The Disconauts have been one of the biggest hits in Trinity Rooms history and every appearance has been more memorable than the last”, Trinity Rooms Joe Clarke told the Limerick Post.

Combining sexy, funky house music with immaculately timed brass and just the right level of live percussion the Disconaut’s musical pedigree is impeccable.  Live percussion from Mark Logan one of the most in demand drummers in Europe combined with the superb DJ skills of Keith and Padraig Disconaut provide the musical foundation on which the house of Disconaut is built.

The Disconauts formula is explained by Padraic and Keith as “mixing great house music, featuring tunes with an African, Latin, and soulful flavour”. The job of Mark on percussion, is “to add new melodies, phrases and rhythms that complement the existing tune, making them better, more dynamic and exciting”. The Disconauts take to the Clubhouse stage from 9pm on Saturday December 12.


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In more news from the Limerick nightclub…..

it’s just been announced that Limerick’s favourite twosome the Rubber Bandits will be hosting Trinity 2 on the same night. Following on from their by now legendary debut live performance in the Clubhouse last Summer, the musical geniuses behind “Bag of Glue” and “Pure Awkward” will host “A very Rubber Bandit Christmas” from 11pm and the great news is that admission to this show is entirely free if your at the Japanese Popstars or staying on from the Alabama 3 show earlier that night! So that’s an amazing double (triple if your early) bill of the Rubber Bandits, The Japanese Popstars and Alabama 3 at Trinity Rooms on Sunday 28th December !  
