Olivia’s what’s hot and what’s not December 13

What’s hot

This week, Oliva looks at the positives of heavy fringes and the apprentice, but going down are builders bums…!

Heavy fringes
We have Vidal Sassoon and his revolutionary work in the 60s to thank for the heavy fringes we see season after season, and they’re back again this year offering structure and framing the face.

The apprentice
TV3’s hit show ‘The Apprentice’ came to an end this week, with Limerick’s Brenda Shanahan (proprietor of Amber Angels bridal boutique in Charleville) emerging the eventual winner. I actually thought rival Nicky O’Callaghan might take the title after a hard fought final task but Brenda’s dominance throughout the competition proved her a worthy victor.

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What’s not 

Builder’s bums
It’s unfair really to pin this one on just the builders, but a builder’s bum peeping up from jeans is just not attractive guys (I’m not that keen on seeing it on girls either thanks). Please make no mistake – it’s NEVER attractive, no matter if you’re the buffest guy on site, nobody wants to see your ‘chippies cleavage’, or ‘plumber’s crack’ (ugh) or whatever you call it!

The beauty fix

With every Christmas comes the Christmas gift set, also in a wide range of prices depending  of course on the products inside. These below feature affordable hair products by Aussie and Frederic Fekkai, and beauty products from Crabtree and Evelyn.
