Irish artists commissioned to create pieces for Limerick’s EVA International

Eireann and I will create a piece for Limerick's EVA International.

A NUMBER of Irish artists have been commissioned to create pieces for an art extravaganza that takes place in Limerick every two years.

EVA International is a biennial festival, and each term it commissions artists to create pieces to be displayed across Limerick City.

The festival is currently drawing up plans for its return in 2025, the 41st anniversary of the art festival.

Éireann and I (Joselle Ntumba and Beulah Ezeugo), Colm Keady-Tabbal, Olivia Normile, Bridget O’Gorman, and Lyónn Wolf are the six artists chosen to create special works as part of the festival’s return next year.

Proposals were selected by Iarlaith Ní Fheorais and Roy Claire Potter, following an open call process that invited artists to respond to ideas and definitions of access.

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Speaking about the selection process, Ms Ní Fheorais said that she was “deeply impressed” with the entries received.

“I was deeply impressed by the breadth of vision in which access was considered and how it could be applied through artistic and participatory means, folding in broad concerns, geographies, and affinities,” she said.

Co-selector, Roy Claire Potter, said that she was “encouraged and impressed by the readiness of all the applicants who were willing to pursue thought and practice that expands from definitions of access”.

“A great number of artists in Ireland are socially and politically driven toward not only inclusion, but hybrid methodologies for high impact art making.”

EVA International director Matt Packer said that the Platform Commission provides a way for artists across Ireland to create new works.

“The Platform Commissions initiative continues to provide a unique opportunity for artists based in Ireland to develop new and uniquely ambitious works, within the supportive and artist-focussed environment of EVA.

“We look forward to working with all of the selected artists over the next months, ahead of the 41st EVA International in 2025,” Mr Packer said.
