#BREAKING Emergency launched in search of missing Limerick man

  Andrew Carey

[email protected]

A FULL scale emergency search and rescue operation has been launched in Limerick this Wednesday afternoon after a local man was reported as missing near the Abbey River.

Concerned locals anxious to locate the man, discovered a bicycle and fishing rod at an old pier opposite Athlunkard Boat Club on the Abbey River this Wednesday afternoon and the alarm was raised.

The man was last seen on Tuesday evening and it is believed that he may have entered the water as his whereabouts since then have not been accounted for.

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Shortly after 4pm this Wednesday, three units of the Limerick City Fire and Rescue Service were scrambled to the scene and began a search of the area.

Rescue 115, the Shannon based Coast Guard helicopter was scrambled to the area and is conbducting an overhead surveillance of the area.

Members of the Limerick Marine Search and Rescue are also in attendance.


